Facebook autoplay videos – The 1.65 billion monthly users took this feature as a trend that youtube (generally considered as the trend setter in online video) had to frantically follow ...
Before you read this article be advised to first read part 1 of this two series post that explains on how to start creating your own videos. Before starting to ...
Online video marketing have brought in a lot of success to many businesses and brands in Sri Lanka over the past few years. It is the best medium available to ...
The success of any marketing campaign relies on creating rich, valuable, and engaging content. Video marketing is no different. Most Sri Lankan business owners think that they need to reserve ...
Video Marketing 2019 – Proclaiming self-awarded titles such as “consultant”, “specialist”, “expert” or “strategist” is something many are adept when describing themselves. They also go to great lengths of guaranteeing ...
2018 was a huge year for video marketing. Instagram was really able to make a statement with interactive video advertising. Videos created higher conversion rates than any other medium that ...