Before you read this article be advised to first read part 1 of this two series post that explains on how to start creating your own videos. Before starting to create your own videos, it is important to know how online videos work. Beyond the equipment, lighting, audio, etc. you should be able to understand how video marketing works. Without this knowledge, you would be pretty much shooting at a target in the dark. This article will explain what to look forward to and how to create videos that will engage, entertain, educate, inspire your viewers.
If you have read (and downloaded the video strategy guide) you now have the ability to shoot (and edit) long, high-quality videos on your smart phone. What good is a video that is not shared on your website and your social media platforms? This is there the anatomy of the future video marketing strategy comes in: It will explain in detail as to what to expect, and how to proceed beyond making your first video, and how you can keep getting better as you move forward.
Video sharing has become a key factor in social media in how we entertain and learn on the internet. Gone will be the days where browsers will read through lengthy written content. Instead they will value the information they will receive through video. This will be amply demonstrated when the cohorts of generation Y (those born after the early 1990’s) become working adults and will look towards the internet for information. More and more people prefer watching a video than reading written content. Videos have never been more popular and the trend is catching fire.
If you or your business is ABSENT on YouTube®, you can rest assure that your local competition is using this great FREE resource to carve out the greater share of visibility (and revenue) from you. I am sure you have heard the term “Video marketing is The Next Big Thing”. That cliché’ is a testament as marketers, entrepreneurs, and business owners have incorporated video as part of their marketing strategy to drive traffic, gain visibility and to compete with local competition, with the help of YouTube®.
While your PRESENCE on YouTube® is a start in the right direction, it is incomplete unless you have an effective video marketing strategy that disseminate your image, services and products the right way. That is why I created this e-book (second as part of a two series publication) on Video Marketing Sri Lanka 2020 – What You Should Know about Video Marketing. I aptly named it “The Anatomy of the Future Video Marketing Strategy” because I broke down each component to match the human anatomy and how it helps us function as humans. Same way there are different components that makes up an effective video marketing strategy.
video marketing sri lanka 2020
In this strategy guide you will learn:
(1) How Global brands use video marketing statistics to their favor.
(2) Components of a video marketing strategy:
– Content Strategy
– Link building Strategy
– Social Media Strategy
– Mobile SEO strategy
– Long Tail Keyword Strategy
(3) Six Unique Ways to Use Video for “Selling”.
(4) How to Compete with the companies with big budgets.
(5) How to create a video marketing campaign beyond the first video.
(6) How to increase web traffic to your website and increase revenue through video marketing.
(7) How to position your company/brand with credibility, reputation and trust.
Consider this video strategy as your beginners guide, and as you become better over time and learn through self discovery, there will come a time that you should be able to create professional grade videos and dominate your local competition.
Click Here to Download your Free copy
I am sure by now (or prior to downloading this PDF) you must have thought “how can I do this on my own” or “how can I create professional looking videos on my own without any knowledge on producing videos”. Big things never happen overnight, and even the most successful inventions and strategies required a thirst for constant learning to get better every day. By making small daily improvements (in just about everything you do) can create stunning results over time. I encourage you to make video a priority as part of your strategic marketing plan and devote a few hours of your time each day to learn and put to action what you find in this guide and I will guarantee that you will see significant results after your very first video. GOOD LUCK – Vijith
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