“A huge chunk of the brain power we have sitting on our shoulders is exclusively devoted to processing visual images” – Dr. Michio Kaku.
As “thinking” animals we use this processing power to understand and explain phenomenon around us.
Sir Isaac Newton thought in terms of apples, distance, weight, movement; all processed in the brain in terms of pictorial events to explain motion and gravity. The most complex of mathematical equations are derived from simple principals from pictures that are processed in our minds. It is this ability of our minds to process pictorial images to cohesive communication that is the CORE of the human experience: Language. Without language we as humans will not be able to understand and process the nature around us and to explain it and share it with other humans and to retain that information in our memory.
Almost 4 billion people are using the internet today for just about everything. More than two thirds of these people search the internet for a product or service and check different sources before making a buying decision.
If you are a small business owner and you are repeatedly frustrated with your inability to connect and communicate with your consumer, and wondering…
How can you make that lasting impression in the minds of your customers and clients?
How to communicate something memorable and worth sharing?
How to ignite the right conversation on your business and on your brand?
And most importantly…
How to achieve the above in less time, with fewer resources, while not spending BIG?
Answer: VIDEO!
Because video combine imagery (sight) and language (hearing) to make learning and understanding much easier, much like how Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity. No matter what your idea, product or service is, if you cannot communicate to your audience in less time, in today’s competitive marketplace, you will be at a significant disadvantage.
Video is the BEST and the most EFFECTIVE medium to communicate to any audience. Video remains the ONLY medium, where you can (1) Educate (2) Entertain and (3) Inspire to make your audience take action. Having a video to explain what you do (and how well you do what you do), is of paramount importance in 2017. Having several videos will further enable you to have a 24/7 sales force and a marketing team, spreading your brand.
When planning a video marketing strategy in 2017, it is also important for you to know and understand “what is video marketing”. Without a clear vision on what you want your videos to accomplish will get you stuck midway.
If you are a small business owner then you MUST read our blog Video Marketing for small business in 2016. Once you have strategized a plan to move forward, make sure you have a system put in place to measure video marketing ROI.
Think all this information is too much to grasp? Need our assistance in developing a video marketing strategy for you? Then complete this simple form and I will strategize a video marketing strategy, and even give you a heads up on what your competition is doing for you to get 2017 started right away – With my compliments of course. If you choose to ignore video marketing for small business in 2017, then do so at your own peril. Good luck – Vijith
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