We did the same video last year compiling the TOP 20 Brands of 2016. Why? Because a video countdown would be more fun without knowing which brands occupied the top – Whereas reading can allow cheating and start from the top. Last year we took the CNN poll and this year we went with Forbes and inter-brand statistics.

Having had success with last year’s video (TOP Video search for keyword Top Brands 2015 on Google and Youtube), we decided to repeat the success by sticking to the same presentation:

1. Keeping the video under 4 minutes
2. Putting in annual growth in brand value in terms of percentage indicating loss or gain
3. Giving TOP 3 some visual and audio effects
4. Using the same original music/audio track we composed
5. Why facebook did not make the TOP20 (and why it is the “hottest rising brand for second successive year)

BUT… we also wanted to “improve” and “add” to the success of last year’s TOP 20 Video:

1. Indicate TOP RISING brands which gained higher brand values compared to 2015


2. Put Vijith in front of the camera to add more credibility and a personal touch

One month later after going live the video is already ranking number 1 on Google video search and number 3 on Youtube search for keyword Top Brands 2016.

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